



75.46 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
Long-distance hiking trail
  • 03:30 h
  • 75.46 km
  • 1,278 m
  • 1,277 m
  • 142 m
  • 459 m
  • 317 m
  • Start: Lindenstrasse 1a
  • Destination: Lindenstrasse 1a
Surrounding the highest mountain in the Teutoburg Forest/Eggegebirge Nature Park are three well-known German spas - Bad Lippspringe to the west, Bad Driburg to the east and Horn-Bad Meinberg to the north, which are not only connected by road and rail, but above all by hiking trails through unique natural surroundings.

Three spas that have specialized in their core competence of health promotion. Each one offers tourist highlights, fine dining and first-class accommodation, combined with a wide range of recreational activities for body and soul. It is not only worth making a short stopover here on a hike from one place to the next; a stay of several days is also possible. Each spa has numerous other sports and leisure facilities as well as additional short hiking trails.

Bad Driburg

The natural Bad Driburg remedies with sulphur moor and the recognized thermal and healing springs prove the special character of Bad Driburg. A high level of medical expertise with 8 clinics enables treatment in almost all specialist areas.

Bad Lippspringe

Bad Lippspringe is one of the premium-class spas in Germany - a source of health. Well-being is a top priority here. The wide range of health and wellness offers should fulfill your individual wishes.

Bad Meinberg

The Meinberg state spa is one of the most important mineral and mud spas in Germany. The modern spa facilities treat patients with tinnitus, rheumatism, heart and circulatory diseases as well as nervous and gynaecological disorders.


Lindenstrasse 1a
Nebelwiese Bad Lippspringe
Spa/healing spring
Currently closed
Nebelwiese Bad Lippspringe
Spa/healing spring
Currently closed

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


If you look at the route of the spa trail as a whole, the locations are geographically located in an almost isosceles triangle. The individual daily stages from spa to spa are between 23 and 31 kilometers, i.e. between 7 and 10 hours of hiking per day. The altitude profile is challenging.

If you start the baths trail in Bad Lippspringe, then start at the tourist information office at "Lange Straße 6".

Follow "Lange Straße" in the direction of "Am Steintor" - turn right at the crossroads and take the next left into "Lindenweg", follow the road to the left until you reach the "Hindahls Kreuz" parking lot and follow the signs for the Bäderweg via Altenbeken to Bad Driburg and from Bad Driburg on to Bad Meinberg.

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


We recommend that you take a camera with you on your hike.

Of course, sturdy footwear is required.

Directions & Parking facilities

By car: From the A33 (Bad Lippspringe exit), the Bundesstraße 1 takes you directly to "Bad Lippspringe".
There are free parking spaces throughout the city, but some of them are only open for a limited time. Therefore, please remember to bring a parking disk.
Paderborn main station. Tickets can be issued to Bad Lippspringe. From Paderborn station, the "Buslinie R50/51" runs Mon - Sun at regular intervals to Bad Lippspringe (journey time approx. 25 min.).

Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min. from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min.)

Additional information

Bad Driburger Touristik GmbH

Lange Straße 140

33014 Bad Driburg

Phone: 05253 98940

Fax: 05253 989424




Horn-Bad Meinberg GmbH

Parkstraße 10

32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

Phone: 05234 205970

Fax: 05234 2059729



Bad Lippspringe Marketing
Lange Str. 6 / Marktplatz
33175 Bad Lippspringe
Phone: 05252 97700
Fax: 05252 977077





DVD: Close to nature: "The Baths Trail"
Length: 36 minutes
(8,90 €)
Available at the tourist information offices: Bad Lippspringe, Horn-Bad Meinberg and Bad Driburg.

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

It is possible to join the "spa triangle" in any town; the spa trail can also be hiked in both directions.

Safety guidelines

We would like to point out that you must be aware of typical forest hazards in the forest, such as falling branches or rough terrain.

You enter the forest and use the installations at your own risk.

Please make sure you wear sturdy shoes!

Social Media

Our recommendations

© Kreis Paderborn
Eiscafé Molin
ice cream parlor
© Kreis Paderborn

Getting there

33175 Bad Lippspringe
Bad Salzuflen: feel-good place
Our tip

Nature without detours

© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz
Experience nature
Our tip

Exciting quality hiking trails

© Touristikzentrum Westliches Weserbergland
Favourite time out in nature


© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz