A power supply is possible during store opening hours, please contact the staff in the mill store.
(Opening hours mill store: Mon - Fri: 09.00 - 17.30, Sat 9.30 - 14.30)
Extra tip: Combine your visit to the mill store with an information event on the subject of oil, where you will receive tips on how to use it and learn what is important in the production of organic cooking oils. Please make an appointment with us.
(Opening hours mill store: Mon - Fri: 09.00 - 17.30, Sat 9.30 - 14.30)
Extra tip: Combine your visit to the mill store with an information event on the subject of oil, where you will receive tips on how to use it and learn what is important in the production of organic cooking oils. Please make an appointment with us.
Good to know
Bad Weather Offer
for individual guests
Directions & Parking facilities
The motorhome site is located in Boffzen. By car, it is best to use your navigation device.
Getting there
Wohnmobilstellplatz Ölmühle Solling
Höxtersche Straße 3
37691 Boffzen
Contact person
Ölmühle Solling GmbH
Company Sarah und Sebastian Baensch
Höxtersche Str. 3