Ferienwohnung Weserpause


Holiday apartment
The modernly furnished, quietly located apartment invites you to relax.
On the roof terrace with garden view, you can let your gaze wander over Minden's Glacis to the Wiehengebirge. The fully equipped kitchen, the cozy living room with smart TV and the walk-in rain shower in the bathroom make your stay a real feel-good experience.

Good to know


  • for familys

  • for individual guests

  • for Children of all Ages

Accessibility / Location

  • quiet location

Room/apartment features

  • WiFi

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s

Directions & Parking facilities

The apartment is located in the new development area "östliche Gartenstadt" near the traffic circle "Birne" - close to the center - 15 minutes walk to the city center.

Getting there

Ferienwohnung Weserpause
Schneehuhnweg 28
32423 Minden

Contact person

Mr. Jörg Zweck
Schneehuhnweg 28
32423 Minden
