Frühlingsfest Windmühle Exter



Guided tour/tour
Visitors can expect an attractive program consisting of a church service, guided tours of the mill, art and craft stalls and fun and games for young and old. Of course, there will also be bread from the mill oven and other delicacies.
The association is once again running shuttle buses between Vlotho, Exter and the windmill on the Steinegge. This runs between 10 am and 6 pm.
Stops are:
- Minske Markt Vlotho
- Bonneberg church
- Exter church, bus turning area, tennis hall, Solterbergstraße

11:00 am: Ecumenical service with trombone choir
12:15 pm: Start of the mill tours
16:30 pm: Last mill tour
17:00 pm: End of the mill day


Monday, the 09.06.2025

11:00 - 18:00

Good to know

General Information

  • Open Air

  • Tourist Event


  • Target Group Teenager

  • Target Group Adult

  • Target Group Family

  • Target Group the Elderly

  • for Children of the age of 3-6

  • for Children of the age of 10 upwards

  • for Groups

  • for Class

  • for familys

  • for individual guests

  • Pet allowed

Foreign Language


Payment Options

Entrance Free, Cash

Directions & Parking facilities

A shuttle bus is available for a comfortable journey.


Getting there

Windmill Vlotho-Exter
Alter Postweg 18
32602 Vlotho


Windmühle Exter e.V.
Alter Postweg 18
32602 Vlotho