Kurpark Route




5.22 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: easy
Great panorama
Jogging/Nordic walking
  • 00:30 h
  • 5.22 km
  • 53 m
  • 53 m
  • 206 m
  • 244 m
  • 38 m
  • Start: Spa park entrance
  • Destination: Spa park entrance
Nordic walking brings movement into your life in a surprisingly pleasant way, is an over-the-counter relaxant and lets you do a lot for your health in a very uncomplicated way.

You move a variety of muscles, gently train your heart and circulation, strengthen your immune system and experience the changing seasons up close.

This certified Nordic walking route is 5.2 km long, well signposted and runs through the historic spa gardens and the Silvatikum in Bad Meinberg.


Spa park entrance
© GesUndTourismus Horn-Bad Meinberg GmbH, Sinya Nielsen

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Start at the entrance to the spa gardens and turn right. Here you will also see a route sign (white arrow on blue sign) pointing to the right towards the hedge. Follow this signpost and the route until you reach the T-junction.

At this point, turn right and go straight ahead.

Now you will also see the next sign indicating the rest of the route. Always walk alongside the hedge.

You are approaching the main path of the spa park and at the same time the crossroads, where there is a metal gate on your right. At this point, turn right, walk straight on past the Simon August monument and enter the Seekurpark.

At the lake, you will see the next sign, which leads you around to the right.

On reaching the top of the lake, turn right under the bridge and continue straight ahead.

After approx. 650 m, you will see another sign where you also walk straight ahead to the next signpost. Turn right here. A few meters further on is a bend that leads around to the left. Follow the route to the T-junction, where you keep left.

100 m further on is a pavilion with a thatched roof, where you turn right and follow the path.

You reach the next T-junction, where you also turn right. After about 150 m you will see a fork in the path. Keep right here and after a short distance, cross a small bridge.

Turn left at the next signpost and walk straight ahead at the junction. In front of you is the Bad Meinberg camper van site, where you also turn left.

About 70 m further on you reach a fork in the path, keep right here. Shortly afterwards, you will reach a T-junction where you also turn right.

You now cross a small bridge and turn right. The mein)bad is again on your right. Follow the route straight ahead under the bridge and turn right again.

From here, walk along the other side of the Seekurpark. Just a few meters further on, you will reach the information board for heart rate measurement and strengthening, where you will also find another route sign. Follow this.

Once you have reached the beginning of the Seekurpark, turn right, continue straight ahead, past the Simon-August monument again and through the metal gate. At this point, turn right and walk along the hedge.

At the end of the path, turn left. You will reach the main path of the spa park, with the fountain temple on your left and the spa administration on your right. Keep right here and walk slightly diagonally upwards past the spa administration. However, stay in the spa park and continue along the path alongside the hedge.

At the end, the path leads you around a left-hand bend. A few meters further on, you will pass another small bridge, after which you turn left. At this point, you will also see the last signpost of this tour. Follow the arrow.

Now you have arrived at your starting point.

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Nordic walking poles and sturdy shoes.

Directions & Parking facilities

From the Ruhr area and Kassel: A33, exit no. 26 Paderborn-Elsen, then B1 towards Hameln, exit Bad Meinberg.

From the direction of Hanover/ Bremen/ Berlin/ Hamburg: A2, exit 35 Bad Eilsen, direction Rinteln, bypass, then via Barntrup and Blomberg towards Paderborn to Bad Meinberg.

Free public parking is available at the bus station, the Marktstraße junction, Hamelnerstraße and Heinrich-Drake-Platz in the avenue.
Train stations in Horn-Bad Meinberg and Leopoldstal. With direct connections from Bielefeld, Herford, Lage, Detmold and Paderborn.

With the bus lines 776, 772, 782, 792 to Bad Meinberg bus station.

Additional information

Tourist Information, Parkstr. 10 , 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg OT Bad Meinberg


Safety guidelines

In the winter months when the ground is icy, spiked shoes or spiked pull-on soles are recommended.

Getting there

Kurpark Route
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Bad Salzuflen: feel-good place
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Experience nature
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© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz