- 08:00 h
- 27.78 km
- 299 m
- 300 m
- 169 m
- 351 m
- 182 m
- Start: Büren, Café Goeken on the market square
- Destination: Büren, Café Goeken on the market square
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Weather-dependent clothing, sturdy shoes
Directions & Parking facilities
A44/ A33 take the Büren exit, then follow the signs to Büren. The market square is located on Königstraße in Büren.
There are parking spaces on Lindenstraße and at the Haus des Handwerks, Spielenweg. There is also an underground parking garage in Burgstraße.
Stop: Markt, Büren.
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
A particular highlight is the Jesuit church in Büren, which is one of the most magnificent baroque monuments in Westphalia, and the Wewelsburg, Germany's only triangular castle, which the circular trail passes.
Safety guidelines
The circular hiking trail is not suitable for baby carriages and wheelchair users due to the nature of the trail.
Hiking map "Paderborner Land (southern part)" no. 62
Price: 6,95 €
Scale: 1:25000
Publisher: Eggegebirgsverein e. V.
ISBN: 978-3936184-77-8
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