Haus Tusche


Holiday apartment
Vacation apartment on the outskirts of Bad Lippspringe
Collection | bed linen available | bicycle storage room | towels | no pets | crib | kitchenette | sunbathing area | microwave | parking space | TV | washing machine | tumble dryer | bathtub | balcony | bathroom with shower/WC | separate kitchen | separate bedrooms

Good to know


  • Suitable for any weather

  • for individual guests

Accessibility / Location

  • outskirts of town

  • on the lake

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s

Directions & Parking facilities

Bad Lippspringe can be reached via the B1, which is close by.

Price info

Price per unit/night:

Apartment 1 - 35,00 €
Apartment 2 - 40,00 €

Getting there

Haus Tusche
Am Flöthgraben 14
33175 Bad Lippspringe

Contact person

Paul Tusche
Am Flöthgraben 14
33175 Bad Lippspringe