There is a bakery, butcher, Volksbank, savings bank, pharmacy, 2 doctors and much more within a radius of 400 m, the nearest supermarket (Netto) is 700 m away.
The nearest train station (Lemförde) is 3 km away, Osnabrück is 40 km away and the airports to Bremen or Münster are approx. 80 km away.
Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen with electric stove (ceramic hob), oven, microwave, fridge with freezer compartment, dishwasher, coffee machine, kettle and toaster, crockery and cutlery for up to four people and all accessories as well as kitchen towels, cleaning products etc.
The living rooms consist of a living area with 4 seats or a sleeping area, glass and book cupboard, equipment such as satellite TV and flat screen are a matter of course.
Free, unlimited and fast WLAN is also a matter of course.
A free parking space is available.
Good to know
Suitable for any weather
Accessibility / Location
quiet location
central location
Directions & Parking facilities
32351 Stemwede
Getting there
Ferienwohnung Kampe
Contact person