The history of wind power: from the beginnings to modern times
In the German Wind Power Museum, visitors can trace the historical development of wind energy - from the first windmills to the modern wind turbines that generate electricity for millions of households today. Historical exhibits show how the use of wind has developed over the centuries and which technical innovations have paved the way for today's wind energy.
Insights into the technology: How does a wind turbine work?
The German Wind Power Museum offers its visitors detailed insights into how modern wind turbines work. Various models and interactive stations show how energy is generated from wind, which components work together in a wind turbine and which challenges have to be overcome when building and operating such systems. There is a particular focus on increasing efficiency and the technological advances that are making wind energy ever more powerful.
Good to know
Price info
Suitable for any weather
for Groups
for families
for individual guests
Suitable for the Elderly
Payment Options
Directions & Parking facilities
Mühlheide 14
32351 Stemwede-Oppendorf
Coordinates: N 52.449219 E 8.5025600
More information
You can reach our visitor service during opening hours
on +49 (0) 5773 / 911410 or by e-mail.
Guided tours
Book free guided tours in advance of your visit. In order to give as many visitors as possible the opportunity to take part in a guided tour, the museum reserves the right to combine groups.