René Steinberg: Oh, you merry one



Stage diverse

The Christmas program

Christmas should be merry,... and contemplative. But above all beautiful. And precisely because we want that so much, we stress ourselves - "Oh" - to the point of senselessness, experience stress, shopping madness and get together for the traditional family quarrel.

René Steinberg says: Put an end to it! The motto of his new Christmas program: "make Christmas great again". And the way to achieve this is through laughter. Laughing about ourselves, our quirks, habits (how do you eat a domino?), about people who definitely don't celebrate the festival of love in the supermarket parking lot or about supposedly small lights that perhaps illuminate their windows Las Vegas-style for this very reason?

Let's laugh about it - especially together with other people - because, as usual, Steinberg interacts a lot with his audience, so that you can experience a wonderful evening together even before the festivities begin.

Perhaps a little like the shepherds of old, for whom the angel did not announce any payback points, but above all: great joy! So, back to the joyful roots of Christmas; get your tickets, relax and then: "Let's be merry and bright!"

Admission: 7 pm


Wednesday, the 04.12.2024


Good to know

Price info

from 26,50 €


Tourist-Information Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Flora Westfalica GmbH
Rathausplatz 8-10
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück - Ortsteil Rheda


Getting there
René Steinberg: Oh, you merry one
Hauptstraße 120
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Tourist-Information Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Flora Westfalica GmbH
Rathausplatz 8-10
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück - Ortsteil Rheda