Ulenburger Allee


Impressive natural monument with a length of 2700 m
The Ulenburger Allee connects the old moated castle Ulenburg with the former knight's seat Haus Beck in the district of Mennighüffen. The avenue, with its numerous 80 to over 200-year-old trees over a length of 2,700 m, is protected by law as a natural monument that is particularly characteristic of the landscape. Bats, long-eared owls, tawny owls and pied flycatchers are just some of the animal species that live in the avenue's trees. At the beginning at Ulenburg Castle there are stately oaks over 200 years old, followed by younger oaks, chestnuts, lime trees and individual ash and robinia trees.

Further information: www.fahr-im-kreis.de

Good to know

Directions & Parking facilities

Uhlenburger Allee stretches from Ulenburg Castle to Ellerbuscher Straße. It is easily accessible by bike or car.

More information

Always know what's going on - a free number for all occasions: Bus and train customers in NRW can call 08006 50 40 30 around the clock for fare information, timetable information and more.


Getting there
Ulenburger Allee
Ulenburger Allee
32584 Löhne