Tabak-Depot Minden



retail store/ shop

Tobacco Depot Minden

We're working on it ... on our online store.

With what? You guessed it, with cigars ... but ... What - for you too, I'm sure - is simply part and parcel of a cigar? Perhaps a good, no, a special whisky? You see, that's exactly what we thought. That's why our online store will focus primarily on:

Cigars & Whisky

What we won't do: Sell everything (and therefore nothing). We would much rather surprise you. With classics and insider tips.

And in the meantime?

We look forward to your visit to our depot at the market in Minden.

Good to know


Price info

depending on selection

Directions & Parking facilities

Tabak Depot Upphoff is located directly on the Minden market square.


Getting there

Tabak-Depot Minden
Markt 10
32423 Minden