Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke - Hauptgeschäftsstelle


ATM/Financial institution
In the main branch of Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke, customers receive personal advice and information, and there is also a self-service area where the following services are available:
- Withdraw money
- Deposit money
- Receive & hand in coin rolls
- Print account statements
- View account balance

At the respective counters, employees are on hand to provide customers with advice and assistance.

Good to know


General Information

  • Parking Available

Payment Options

Entrance Free

Directions & Parking facilities

You can reach the main branch of Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke from Stiftsstraße in the direction of Kampstraße. Parking is available directly at the building.


Getting there
Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke - Hauptgeschäftsstelle
Königswall 2
32423 Minden