Our offers and treatment methods Physiotherapy - Bobath / PNFKrankengymnastik ZNSManuelle Therapiesektorale Heilpraktiker Physiotherapie (Direktzugang)Craniosacrale EntspannungViszerale TherapieMedical FlossingFaszien-Distorsions-Modell (FDM)Segment Somatotopin BehandlungNarbenbehandlungRückenschule nach BrüggerWasserergymnastik ( Temp. 32 °)Manual lymphatic drainageBandage and reflex massagesFoot reflexologyFoot careClassical massage therapyFango and ice packs (cryotherapy)Hot air underwater massagesStanger bathsElectrotherapyHydrotherapy
We can also offer:Rehabilitation sports (after a cost coverage declaration has been issued by the doctor and subsequent approval by the health insurance company)Functional trainingNordic walking (depending on the offer)Individual training advice and training plan creationTaping prevention courses according to §20Medical training therapy in prevention and rehabilitation Back school according to Bd.R
For questions and information about our services, please contact us by email info@gesundheitszentrum-schieder-schwalenberg.de or call us on 05282 969380.
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