- 01:30 h
- 16 m
- 17 m
- 60 m
- 76 m
- 16 m
- 3.73 km
- Start: House of the guest Bad Holzhausen
On the shortest tour, you explore the Mühlenbach valley between the former Hudenbeck manor - now Haus des Gastes - and Gut Crollage on flat paths. The scenic route is a challenge for the ears: at three stations, you will learn how to focus your attention on pleasant natural sounds such as birdsong, the babbling brook and the rustling of leaves. Unpleasant noises - such as traffic noise - are pushed into the background.
The exercises were specially developed for tinnitus patients and also help people suffering from stress as attention training.
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Loop Road
Directions & Parking facilities
Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Access via the federal highway 65, the state road 557 and via the highway 30 exit 27, Bünde
.Always know what's running when: The "smart number" for buses and trains in NRW: 08006 504030.
Additional information
Alternatively, you can also request it by email, touristik@preussischoldendorf.de