Hermannshöhen - Etappe 10 von Leopoldstal bis Bad Driburg




14.42 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Long-distance hiking trail
  • 05:00 h
  • 14.42 km
  • 150 m
  • 167 m
  • 374 m
  • 462 m
  • 88 m
  • Start: Leopoldstal, Lippischer Velmerstot
  • Destination: Bad Driburg, Iburg ruins
At the moment, unknown perpetrators are deliberately removing all markers and signposts in and around Bad Driburg. A great deal of damage has already been done and hikers can no longer find the paths.
If you discover people removing markings or signs, please contact the police or Bad Driburg Touristik directly on 05253-98940. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND SORRY THAT THE TRAILS ARE NOT CORRECTLY MARKED AT THIS TIME!

The varied and impressive hiking stage leads through the Teutoburg Forest / Eggegebirge Nature Park, past numerous geological features, through deep beech forests and along impressive cliffs.

The stage at a glance:
1.            Start and finish point of the stage
The stage starts in Leopoldstal and ends in Bad Driburg. In Bad Driburg, you can return to Leopoldstal by public transport from the train station via Altenbeken.
2.            Length of the stage in kilometers / elevation gain / route character
The stage is approximately 14 kilometers long and has 150 meters of elevation gain. The trail runs along natural paths through quiet forests, but also through fallow land to be reforested. Through beech forests, it repeatedly leads directly to the steep edge of the Egge eastern slope.
3.            Special landscape features
The Egge is the habitat of numerous rare animal species such as the wildcat, black stork and hazel grouse. The many crevices and caves serve as bat roosts. Large areas of the nature park have been designated as a European protected area. Funnel-shaped sinkholes and other karst phenomena can be found along the Eggeweg trail, which were formed due to the water-soluble limestone in the subsoil. After the ascent to the Lippischer Velmerstot, you come to its "twin summit", the Preußischer Velmerstot - the highest point of the Hermannshöhen.
Good to know: Towns and restaurants are rarely located directly on the trail.

Highlights on the route

  • The Preußische Velmerstot is the highest elevation in the Eggegebirge. The Lippische Velmerstot is its little sister. In the past, the Lippe-Prussian border ran here. The Prussian Velmerstot is home to the Eggeturm - a 17-metre-high observation tower. From the tower, you have a fascinating panoramic view over the Egge, Teutoburg Forest and Weserbergland all the way to the Sauerland. Note: Unfortunately, the Eggeturm cannot currently be climbed due to fire damage.

  • The Iburg is located on a mountain spur above the Bad Driburg basin. The impressive ruins, a former Saxon folk castle, and the Kaiser-Karls-Turm tower make a beautiful destination for hikers who love far-reaching views. The Sachsenklause offers a fantastic view of Bad Driburg during a refreshment stop.


 A good alternative interactive tour map of stage 10 can be found here


Leopoldstal, Lippischer Velmerstot
© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / P. Gawandtka, Patrick Gawandtka
Aussichtsplattform am Altenbekener Viadukt
Vantage point/Observation tower
Bad Driburg, Iburg ruins

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The Eggeweg is marked with a white horizontal cross (Andreas kreuz, X1) in both directions by the Eggegebirgsverein. The Eggeweg is a section of the European long-distance hiking trail E1.

To reach the starting point at Velmerstot, please use the Hermannsweg from Leopoldstal train station.

If you would like to shorten the stage, or are planning a detour to Altenbeken, then use the Zugangsweg Altenbeken.

At the end of the stage, the Bad Driburg access trail takes you from the Iburg back down to the Driburg town area.

You will find the following quality Hermannshöhen establishments on this stage:




Bad Driburg

Tour information

  • Good Connection to public Transport

  • Possibility of Accommodation

  • Premium Trail "Wanderbares Deutschland"

  • Premium Trail German Hiker Seal

  • Tour with Dog


Hiking boots, camera, binoculars.

Directions & Parking facilities

A33, exit Paderborn-Elsen, direction Hameln on B1, exit Bad Driburg, right direction Leopoldstal
Parking at the starting point:

Wanderparkplatz Leopoldstal

Silbergrund 62A,
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

at the end of the access route

Leopoldstal train station

Schedule information


Parking lots with local transport connections along the route:

Wanderparkplatz Zur Kattenmühle

Zur Kattenmühle,
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

approx. 450 m to the path

Bus stopKattenmühle

357 Horn BHF - Veldrom - Kempen

Schedule information

Wanderparkplatz Eggeweg

Altenbekener Str. 274,
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

approx. 250 m to the path

Bus stopHorn-Kempen Forsthaus

357 Horn BHF - Veldrom - Kempen


Wanderparkplatz Rehberg

L755, 33184 Altenbeken (junction Eggeweg)

direkt am Weg

Keinbindung an Nahverkehr vorhanden!!!

Wanderparkplatz Alter Postweg

Westenfeldmark 4,
33014 Bad Driburg

directly on the trail

Bus stop Bad Driburg, Eggeweg

431 Paderborn - Altenbeken - Bad Driburg

S30 Paderborn - Bad Driburg


Wanderparkplatz Rehberg

33014 Bad Driburg

direkt am Weg

Keinschluss an Nahverkehr vorhanden!!!

Detailed information about your connections can be found here

The smart number for buses and trains in NRW:

0180 6 50 40 30 (20 cents/call from a German landline, mobile max. 60 cents/call)


Electronic timetable information: 0800 3 50 40 30 (free of charge)

Additional information

Safety guidelines

A total of 28 rescue points have been created on the Eggeweg. They are used to indicate the location as precisely as possible in the event of danger so that the rescue station can find the scene of the accident promptly and reliably.

The following rescue points are registered with the emergency call center on this section:

Silbermühle, Lippischer Velmerstot, Preußischer Velmerstot, Hakehütte, Schwarzes Kreuz, Rehberghütte, Knochenhütte, Heinrich Heine Hütte, Driburger EGV Hütte

Our recommendations

© Ina Bohlken, Projektbüro Hermannshöhen
© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / P. Gawandtka, Patrick Gawandtka
© Altes Forstamt im Teutoburger Wald

Getting there

Hermannshöhen - Etappe 10 von Leopoldstal bis Bad Driburg
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Bad Salzuflen: feel-good place
Our tip

Nature without detours

© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz
Experience nature
Our tip

Exciting quality hiking trails

© Touristikzentrum Westliches Weserbergland
Favourite time out in nature


© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz