Ferienwohnung Schäfers


Holiday apartment
Cozy attic apartment
68 m² apartment for 2-3 people

Study with desk | bedroom with double bed | kitchen with dishwasher, microwave, fridge, kettle, coffee machine | bathroom with shower | WiFi | TV & radio | travel cot | garden | bicycle parking | parking at the house | non-smoking apartment

Good to know


  • Suitable for any weather

  • for individual guests

Room/apartment features

  • WiFi

Beds & rooms

  • holiday apartment/s

Directions & Parking facilities

Bad Lippsringe can be reached via the B1 between Paderborn and Schlangen.

Price info

Price per unit/night:

45,00 € plus visitor's tax

Getting there

Ferienwohnung Schäfers
Triftstraße 52
33175 Bad Lippspringe

Contact person

Annelie Schäfers
Triftstraße 52
33175 Bad Lippspringe
