Tatort: Judenbuche - Auf den Spuren der Annette von Droste-Hülshoff



Tatort: Judenbuche - On the trail of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

The 7 km literary-historical hike leads to "Joelskamp", where a merchant Jew from Ovenhausen was murdered in February 1783.

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff later turned these historical events into literature: her masterpiece novella "Die Judenbuche" (1842) was written as an independent work.

In the new Ludowinengarten and in the historic arcade, you will also learn about the poet's happiness and suffering in Bökendorf in the summer of 1820.

Start: 2 pm, visitors' parking lot of the Bökerhof manor house, Bökerhof 5, 33034 Brakel-Bökendorf
Duration: approx. 3.5 hours (approx. 7 km, pure walking time 2 hours)
Cost: €5, children €3
Registration: Nature park guide Bernhard Aufenanger, Tel. 0151-26507251, b.aufenanger@naturparkfuehrer.org


Sunday, the 22.09.2024

14:00 - 17:30

Good to know

Price info

5,- €, children 3,- €


Naturpark Teutoburger Wald / Eggegebirge
Grotenburg 52
32760 Detmold


Getting there
Tatort: Judenbuche - Auf den Spuren der Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Bökerhof 5
33034 Brakel - Brakel-Bökendorf
Naturpark Teutoburger Wald / Eggegebirge
Grotenburg 52
32760 Detmold