Showmen and hawkers transform the old town into a colorful, shimmering bazaar overflowing with joy. On Sundays, a solemn procession commemorates the religious origins of the festival: the veneration of St. Anne in the baroque chapel at the gates of the city. Many hundreds of believers escort the Blessed Sacrament. On Monday, deals are still concluded with a handshake at the cattle and produce market in keeping with tradition. A magnificent firework display on Monday evening brings Annentag to a close.
05.08.2025 - 09.08.2025
All day
05.08.2026 - 09.08.2026
All day
05.08.2027 - 09.08.2027
All day
Good to know
General Information
Tourist Event
Target Group Teenager
Target Group Adult
Target Group Family
Target Group the Elderly
for Children of all Ages
Suitable for Pushchair
for Groups
for Class
for familys
for individual guests
Pet allowed
Hygiene and infection safety measures
Please observe current corona protection measures.
Directions & Parking facilities
The Annentag extends over the entire city center.
Price info
The Annentag is freely accessible.