

nature experiences - various
Hedges and red-backed shrikes

A network of hedges runs through the fields, meadows and pastures in the Vlothoer Bergland and connects copses and forests. Hedges provide protection against wind and erosion as well as a habitat for thousands of plant and animal species.
This is why old hedges have been preserved at Wiebesiek in Vlotho Valdorf in recent years, maintained by professional "pruning" and many new hedges have been planted. The native shrub species provide shelter and food for many birds and mammals. Hawthorn, dog rose, blackthorn, dogwood, viburnum, prunus, cornelian cherry, honeysuckle, red and black elder attract numerous insects with their flowers and fruits.
One of these hedge visitors is a bird with an eerie name: the red-backed shrike. It is a harmless, thrush-sized insectivore. Its habitat is precisely this landscape with patchy herbaceous vegetation, flower-rich grassland, small copses and low, thorny hedges. This diverse natural habitat offers the migratory bird, which visits us from April to September, suitable nesting opportunities and sufficient insect food.
In the Herford district, the red-backed shrike is found almost exclusively in the Vlothoer Bergland with only around 20 breeding pairs. However, its habitat is always in danger when hedges age or are even completely removed, e.g. to facilitate land management. Many grassland areas are overgrown with species-poor grass mixtures or are converted into arable land. Marginal strips, herbaceous fringes and grass paths are mowed intensively or have disappeared completely.
Many efforts are required to preserve and protect the red-backed shrike in Vlotho, the results of which can be seen here at Wiebesiek.

Further information: www.fahr-im-kreis.de

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Directions & Parking facilities

Bretthorststr. 241, Vlotho

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Always know what's going on - a free number for all occasions: Bus and train customers in NRW can call 08006 50 40 30 around the clock for fare information, timetable information and more.


Getting there
Bretthorststr. 241
32602 Vlotho