Naturschutzgebiet "Bleikuhlen"


Nature reserve/natural monument
Discover the galmei violet in the lead caves of Blankenrode, which is unique in Europe.
The Bleikuhle is located south of the Blankenrode district of Lichtenau and is the oldest part of the nature reserve. It was first placed under nature protection in 1969 with an area of 2 hectares. Today, the "Bleikuhlen" nature reserve, which also extends to the district of Höxter, covers an area of around 15 hectares.

The "Westphalian galmei violet" grows in the nature reserve. This plant is only found in the lead pools worldwide. The so-called "Blue Flower of Blankenrode" has made the nature reserve famous beyond the region, and not only in botanical circles.

The striking violet blooms between May and October and can be viewed from the parking lot at its place of growth. All plants in the nature reserve are strictly protected and may not be damaged or removed! Entering the areas outside the paved paths is therefore not permitted.

Information boards at the parking lot and hiking trail provide further information about the special features of the area and the plants.

Download: Info flyer incl. hiking map
Further information about the nature reserve can be found on the homepage of the District of Paderborn.

Good to know

General Information

  • Parking Available

Directions & Parking facilities

The Bleikuhle is located southwest of the Lichtenau district of Blankenrode near the A44.


Getting there
Naturschutzgebiet "Bleikuhlen"
Zur Altenauquelle
33165 Lichtenau - Blankenrode