This development was interrupted by the shortage of raw materials at the end of the First World War. A major structural change then began. In 1920, the state intervened in economic processes by introducing a Banderol tax and later by increasing the tobacco tax. Several tobacco factories closed and the number of unemployed rose. In 1945, 15 companies were still producing in Vlotho and in 1968 only 4. The dominance of the tobacco industry ended after a period of almost a hundred years.
One of the last cigar factories in Vlotho was the Schöning cigar factory in the
Langen Straße.
Today, the former cigar factory is home to the "Kulturfabrik":
Good to know
Today, the former cigar factory is home to the "Kulturfabrik".
The entrance times therefore depend on the facilities located there.
The entrance times therefore depend on the facilities located there.
General Information
Parking Available
Bad Weather Offer
Suitable for any weather
for Groups
for Class
for families
for individual guests
Suitable for the Elderly
Suitable for Pushchair
for Children of the age of 3-6
for Children of the age of 6-10
for Children of the age of 10 upwards
Foreign Language
Other Furnishing/Equipment
Children's Playground (outdoors)
Directions & Parking facilities
Parking spaces are located directly at the Kulturfabrik. The train station is opposite.
Contact person