The Beke is an approximately 17 km long stream that rises in the Altenbeken district of Buke at an altitude of 317 meters above sea level and flows via Altenbeken and Neuenbeken to Marienloh. However, a large proportion of the Beke's water seeps into the fissured limestone underground before reaching Neuenbeken. It flows northwards in underground cavities and comes to the surface again in Bad Lippspringe in the Lippe springs.
At around 220 kilometers, the Lippe is the longest river in North Rhine-Westphalia. Its source is in Bad Lippspringe. The Lippe flows into the Rhine at Wesel. The most important tributaries of the Lippe are the Pader, Alme, Ahse and Stever. The Lippe has been renaturalized in many areas in recent years. Not least because of this, it received the "River Landscape of the Year" award in 2018.
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