At least five mills used to use water power on the approximately 5 km long Hillbach from its source to its mouth in Bega. ONLY the Frevert mill in Hillentrup is still used as such and produces electricity using a turbine. The grist mill is no longer in use but is still preserved. The beautiful mill can be visited by prior arrangement at the Waldmühle farm guesthouse.
Good to know
Price info
Visits are possible by prior arrangement with Bauernhofpension Waldmühle.
General Information
Parking Available
Payment Options
Entrance Free
Directions & Parking facilities
Waldmühlenweg 1, 32694 Dörentrup-Hillentrup
Contact person
Lippe Tourismus & Marketing GmbH
Mr. Jan Wisomiersky
Grotenburg 52
32760 Detmold