Aabach-Talsperre Bad Wünnenberg


The Aabach dam - in the very south of the Teutoburg Forest - is a drinking water reservoir and supplies over 1/4 million people in the region with fresh drinking water.
Just outside Bad Wünnenberg at the end of the Aatal nature experience, the ascent to the dam of the Aabach reservoir begins. The drinking water reservoir has a capacity of 20 million cubic meters. Every day, the Aabach dam supplies over ¼ million people from the districts of Warendorf, Gütersloh, Soest and Paderborn with the best drinking water.

The Aabach dam is also a local recreation area. A 9 km long, asphalted circular path invites you to go hiking, jogging, cycling and is  ideal for inline skating.

The romantic valleys of the tributaries are particularly recommended for hikers. Whether it's the Kleine Aa, Große Aa or Murmecke, all of the streams are located in a beautiful forest landscape with plenty to explore along the hiking trails.

However, the entire area is under special protection. According to the Water Protection Area Ordinance , it is forbidden to take animals along the circular route, leave the paved paths or enter the shore. Water sports, boating and camping are also prohibited.

Further information, including on drinking water extraction, can be found at:


Good to know


Access to the Aabach dam is open around the clock.

General Information

  • Parking Available


  • for Groups

  • for individual guests

  • for Children of all Ages

  • Suitable for Pushchair

Other Furnishing/Equipment

  • Toilet

Payment Options

Entrance Free

Hygiene and infection safety measures

  • Distance control

Directions & Parking facilities

B480 exit Bleiwäsche / Aabach dam


Getting there
Aabach-Talsperre Bad Wünnenberg
Bleiwäscher Straße 6
33181 Bad Wünnenberg