Luisenturmweg | circular hiking trail around the Johannisegge



8.03 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Regional hiking trail
  • 02:24 h
  • 266 m
  • 267 m
  • 162 m
  • 299 m
  • 137 m
  • 8.03 km
  • Start: The tour starts at the hiking parking lot on Peter-Eggermont-Straße below the Luisenturm tower.
  • Destination: At the hiking parking lot on Peter-Eggermont-Straße below the Luisenturm.
The 8.4 km long and marked circular trail leads around the Johannisegge and offers great views over the Ravensberger Hügelland, the Münsterland and the Weserbergland.

The 8.4 km long and marked circular hiking tour begins at the parking lot below the Luisenturm tower. From there, the path leads to the Luisenturm in the direction of the wind turbine. Built in 2012, the wind turbine with a hub height of 85 meters and a rotor diameter of 82 meters can supply around 80 percent of Borgholzhausen's households with electricity. The surrounding area is a relic from the Cold War era, when Borgholzhausen was a missile station from 1958 to 1983.

The names and landscapes of the individual sections of the trail are interesting and varied: "Schweizer Tal", "Langendehne", "Hollandskopf" or "Silberblick".

On the ridge path of the Teutoburg Forest, the hiker has a beautiful view of the Hankenüll (307 meters) and the Münsterland. The trail then leads through a variety of coniferous and deciduous forests.

The trail runs on paved roads and is therefore accessible all year round and in (almost) any weather. It leads to the ridge path of the Teutoburg Forest, the 160 km long Hermannsweg, in the landscape conservation area. Because of its valuable beech stands, the forest was included in the European FFH list. The fact that individual plots contain conifers means that hikers can enjoy a varied, small-scale forest with constantly changing perspectives.

On the ridge path, you can catch a brief glimpse of the Münsterland region. On the southern slope, the small-scale farming structure of the forest plots is visible in the boundary stones along the edge of the path and in the different vegetation on the slopes. Almost every farm on the plain has a so-called mountain section. In the past, this coppice provided them with firewood for the winter.

At the top is the boundary stone with the number 633 from 1837 with the inscriptions P (Prussia) and H (Hanover) After a few hundred meters, there is a steep descent to Sauplatz, the intersection of several forest paths.

A wooden observation tower was erected on the Johannisegge (291 m) in 1893 in memory of Luise of Prussia. Today, the now fourth Luise Tower, which was inaugurated in 1991 at a height of 21 meters, offers a view over the entire city of Borgholzhausen. In good weather conditions, the view extends as far as Porta Westfalica in the north-east and far into the Münsterland region to the south-west. The tower can be climbed free of charge all year round. There is a restaurant at the Luisenturm. Opening hours: Saturday from 14:00 - 18:00 and Sundays & public holidays from 10:00 - 18:00.

Tel. 05425 1466

For more information, please visit


The tour starts at the hiking parking lot on Peter-Eggermont-Straße below the Luisenturm tower.
Luisenturm Borgholzhausen
Vantage point/Observation tower

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The circular hiking trail is well signposted in both directions. Please follow the purple and white signs with the symbol of the Luisenturm.

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Premium Trail "Wanderbares Deutschland"

  • Stop at an Inn


Sturdy footwear


Don't forget your camera!

Directions & Parking facilities

Address for navigation devices: Peter-Eggermont-Straße, 33829 Borgholzhausen

You can park your car in the parking lot on Peter-Eggermont-Straße below the Luisenturm.

Bus route 62, 90, 190, bus stop "Funke"

Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 01806 504030 (20 cents / connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents / connection from mobile networks).

Additional information

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Visit the new rest area on the Luisenturmweg, where you can enjoy wonderful views!

Safety guidelines

Much of the route leads through nature and landscape conservation areas. Stay on the paths.

Multiple rescue signs with location numbers show emergency services the way to accidents in the forest.

Getting there
Luisenturmweg | circular hiking trail around the Johannisegge
33829 Borgholzhausen