Radtouren-Tipp 9 - Brackwede und Windflöte



17.37 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
Great panorama
Regional bike tour
  • 01:30 h
  • 14 m
  • 51 m
  • 90 m
  • 132 m
  • 42 m
  • 17.37 km
  • Start: Feeder route: Junction 29 in Brackwede (railroad station), round trip: Junction 42 in Brackwede, corner of Brockhagener Straße/Winterstraße or Heidekampstraße.
  • Destination: Feeder route: Junction 29 in Brackwede (railroad station), round trip: Junction 42 in Brackwede, corner of Brockhagener Straße/Winterstraße or Heidekampstraße.

The flat circular route leads through the beautiful countryside in the south of Bielefeld to Niemöller's mill, the Osthusschule museum, the Reiher- und Röhrbach nature reserve, the Ramsbrock landscape conservation farm and the Brackwede natural swimming pool. The 164-metre-high telecommunications tower on the Teutoburg Forest is often in view. This Bielefeld landmark is visible from every district of the city.

(!) Feeder route from Brackwede station (2x 3.5 km) /

Round trip:

The Brackwede natural pool is located on the feeder route. The crystal-clear, sparkling fresh water of the outdoor pool comes from the nearby Ems-Lutter spring. Purification by mineral filters ensures first-class, chlorine-free water quality.

The Luttertal in the Brackwede district is a natural green space. Ponds and meadows, which were once used for bleaching fabrics, have developed into a "wilderness" over time.

About 1736, the water mill on the Ems-Lutter was built to replace the original Niemöller flour mill from 1535 after it burned down. The association "Freunde und Förderer der Mühle Niemöller in Quelle e. V." regularly invites visitors to the mill café.

The first stop on the circular route is the Osthusschule Museum. It was established in 1995 in two buildings of a Prussian country school, which were built in 1832 and 1895 respectively. The spacious outdoor facilities include herbaceous beds, a small rose garden and a herb garden worth seeing. In addition to a historic classroom, there are many other things to discover in the school museum every Tuesday afternoon from everyday school life at the time. Group tours and historical lessons for school classes are available by appointment.

The rest of the tour takes you along quiet roads along the Reiherbach and Röhrbach. They offer a relaxed cycling experience in open countryside between meadows, fields and small woods. The two streams give their names to the approximately 132-hectare nature reserve in the Windflöte district.

The Hof Ramsbrock, first mentioned in a document in 1556, was one of the most important farms in the Senne. Since 2012, a support association has been renovating and converting the municipal landscape conservation farm. Children, young people and adults can experience nature and its diversity at numerous events here.


Feeder route: Junction 29 in Brackwede (railroad station), round trip: Junction 42 in Brackwede, corner of Brockhagener Straße/Winterstraße or Heidekampstraße.
Niemöllers Mühle
Historic site

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


(!) Feeder route:

Follow these junctions from junction 29: 29 - 30 - 36 - 42.

Round trip:

Then follow these nodes clockwise for the round trip: 42 - 49 - 68 - 69 - 58 - 63 - 66 - 95 - 42.

You can shorten or extend your tour "Cycle tour tip 9 Brackwede and Windflöte" at any time along the way, as the tour runs entirely within the junction network. Signposts at the cycle route intersections (the junctions) show you the way to the next town, a nearby attraction or the train station. Large signs along the route inform you about other leisure cycle routes.

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn

Directions & Parking facilities

Brackwede station light rail stop (line 1)


Brackwede train station.

Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 1806 504030

( 20 cents/connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents/connection from mobile networks)

Additional information

The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 9 Brackwede und Windflöte" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Bielefeld information

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld


The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 9 Brackwede und Windflöte" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

A walk on the Hof Ramsbrock nature trail in Bielefeld-Senne is very worthwhile.

(link:) Hof Ramsbrock nature trail

Safety guidelines

The flat route is easy to cycle. It leads along cycle paths and side roads and along natural paths in the Luttertal valley between junctions 30 and 36.

Some sections lead along private paths. We would like to thank the owners for their permission to use the paths.


The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 9 Brackwede und Windflöte" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld

Getting there
Radtouren-Tipp 9 - Brackwede und Windflöte
33649 Bielefeld