- 03:30 h
- 44.55 km
- 248 m
- 248 m
- 208 m
- 456 m
- 248 m
- Start: Jesuit Church Büren
- Destination: Büren
The Bürener Land region is very diverse in terms of landscape and extremely interesting in terms of cultural history. It is criss-crossed by many hiking trails, but it is often too mountainous for cyclists. This gave rise to the idea of creating a circular cycle route that even less trained cyclists could complete in one day and that is largely free of inclines.
The 44 km Auenradweg meets these requirements. It leads along the Alme, Nette, Lühlingsbach, Aabach and Afte rivers through one of the most scenic regions of the Bürener Land.
The route along the floodplains offers rare flora and fauna typical of floodplains as well as natural history and cultural history stations on the subject of water:
- The Aabach dam as the region's drinking water reservoir
- Kneipp facilities in the Naturerlebnis-Aatal
- Water birds at the Keddinghauser See retention basin
- Historical water mills in Büren
- Amphibian and fish nature trails
- Flösswiesen
- and limestone alluvial cones.
Except for short sections near Bleiwäsche, there are hardly any inclines along the route.
Good to know
Best to visit
After you have crossed the village, the route goes downhill past the Lühlingsbach and the Nette into the Almetal valley. Here you continue to follow the signs through Ringelstein, Siddinghausen and Weine until you reach your starting point in Büren again.
Tour information
Loop Road
Possibility of Accommodation
Stop at an Inn
Suitable for Bike
Directions & Parking facilities
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines
"The most beautiful cycle tours in the Paderborn region"
Scale 1:50,000 | ISBN 978-3-96990-031-4
Publisher: BVA Bike Media GmbH
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