- 02:20 h
- 80 m
- 328 m
- 127 m
- 372 m
- 245 m
- 28.09 km
- Start: Lichtenau-Blankenrode, Altenau spring
- Destination: Nordborchen, Altenaum estuary
The Altenautal valley has been inhabited for thousands of years and has grown in and with nature. Many stone chamber graves with an age of up to 5,000 years bear witness to this.
Cycling along the Altenau cycle path is an encounter with history, architecture, venerable churches and half-timbered romanticism. The Altenau valley offers history turned to stone. A detour from the reservoir in Lichtenau-Husen to the mighty Dalheim Monastery, approx. 2.5 km away, is also worthwhile.
Biking on the Altenau cycle path is, above all, an encounter with nature. Follow the small river from its source in Lichtenau-Blankenrode and along its 28 km length to where it flows into the Alme near Nordborchen and experience the enchanting charm of the "Preferred Recreation Area Altenautal" along the way. Hospitable restaurants and cafés as well as many leisure facilities await you along the way.
Good to know
Best to visit
The easiest way to cycle the Altenau cycle path is downstream from the source in Lichtenau-Blankenrode to Nordborchen and possibly further along the Alme to Paderborn: Blankenrode - Husen - Atteln - Henglarn - Etteln - Kirchborchen - Nordborchen
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Suitable for Bike
Directions & Parking facilities
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines
"Die schönsten Radtouren im Paderborner Land"
Scale 1:50,000 | ISBN 978-3-96990-031-4
Publisher: BVA Bike Media GmbH
Download: Flyer Altenau-Radweg >>
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