- 01:00 h
- 2.77 km
- 128 m
- 132 m
- 77 m
- 193 m
- 116 m
- Start: Parking lot: Freudeneck, 32351 Stemwede
- Destination: Parking lot: Freudeneck, 32351 Stemwede
The forest consists mainly of beech trees. There are two large stands of the extremely rare woodruff-beech forest here. Various historical boundary stones can be discovered in Stemweder Berg. As a result of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, Minden and the area south of the Stemweder Berg became part of Brandenburg (Prussia). High-trunk orchards on the edge of the Stemweder Berg provide a habitat for dormice, little owls and various species of bat. In the glacial dry valleys of the Stemweder Berg, water quickly seeps away again. Shallow ponds are only present in small areas. In addition to native game such as roe deer, hare, pheasant and fox, the great spotted woodpecker and black woodpecker can also be found. The cowslip, arum, lily of the valley, native orchids and woodruff are also represented. This extensive woodland area is accessible via well-developed and marked hiking trails of varying lengths, each of which starts at a hiking parking lot. The overview posts and the hiking map provide information and help with orientation. All routes are also suitable for walking or jogging.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather