- 00:30 h
- 2.10 km
- 4 m
- 4 m
- 41 m
- 44 m
- 3 m
- Start: Parking lot "See am Kleihügel"
- Destination: Parking lot "See am Kleihügel"
In the following years, a recreational and bathing lake was created on the western side of the "Große Aue" to offer opportunities for natural recreation. With its characteristic shoreline shape, the "See am Kleihügel" (water surface area 5.6 ha) blends perfectly into the landscape. Shallow water areas and directly adjacent marsh and wet meadow areas as well as the marsh islands in the lake provide a habitat for many plant species. The bathing beach also offers recreation seekers plenty of space for sports and leisure activities.
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Loop Road
Directions & Parking facilities
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 01806 504030
(20 cents/connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents/connection from mobile networks).
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author