- 01:24 h
- 95 m
- 108 m
- 13 m
- 5.88 km
- Start: Hikers' parking lot at the Espeln community center
- Destination: Hikers' parking lot at the Espeln community center
It runs for almost 6 km around the Hövelhof district of Espeln.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Tour information
Loop Road
Directions & Parking facilities
On the A33 from Paderborn, take exit 24 Paderborn-Sennelager and turn right towards Hövelhof.
From Bielefeld, leave the A33 at exit 23 Stukenbrock-Senne and then turn left towards Hövelhof.
Parking lot at the Bürgerhaus Espeln