Romantisches Furlbachtal | lokaler Rundwanderweg in SHS




6.16 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
Hiking trail
Regional hiking trail
  • 01:30 h
  • 24 m
  • 25 m
  • 136 m
  • 158 m
  • 22 m
  • 6.16 km
  • Start: Parking lot Mittweg, opposite the waterworks near the intersection Mittweg/Hubertusweg in 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
  • Destination: Parking lot Mittweg, opposite the waterworks near the intersection Mittweg/Hubertusweg in 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
The Furlbach is considered one of the most beautiful Senne streams. On this romantic hiking tour through the nature reserve, you sometimes walk directly along the bank, sometimes up to ten meters above the bank and always on winding paths through the varied forest.

You will notice how beautiful the Furlbach valley is. The forest paths are narrow and the trail goes uphill and downhill again and again. The shallow, clear water of the stream allows you to see right down to its bottom, where the white-yellow senna sand forms fine ripples in the current. The green of the water plants and the surrounding wetlands is somehow greener than on other streams. And the entire area is home to many rare species: fish such as brook lamprey and bullhead, birds such as kingfisher and dipper and plants such as cotton grass and sundew are still abundant here. You will therefore get to see a lot on your varied hike.
The beautifully grown sycamore maple, which can be seen at the top of the path, deserves special attention. Here it stands by the former weir of the dam mill, which is no longer visible. The large beech tree, which stands on a hill shortly before the finish, is also impressively beautiful.

The outward route is relatively flat and not directly along the course of the stream. Moors, sand dunes, dry valleys and the Bentteiche ponds can be seen. After the dam mill at the apex of the trail, where you can also add a loop on the Furlbach path, the trail leads you up and down along the stream, so that you walk partly at water level, but partly several meters above the watercourse. This allows you to enjoy the variety of the tour to the full.

Detailed information on the accessibility of the Romantic Furlbach Valley circular hiking trail -->


Parking lot Mittweg, opposite the waterworks near the intersection Mittweg/Hubertusweg in 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
Parking lot Mittweg, opposite the waterworks near the intersection Mittweg/Hubertusweg in 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The circular route is signposted in both directions with the Romantic Furlbach Valley sign (kingfisher on a blue background).

Tour information

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Labelling

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight

  • Premium Trail "Wanderbares Deutschland"

  • Premium Trail German Hiker Seal


Sturdy shoes are required, also due to the steep incline of the path.

Directions & Parking facilities

A 33 to Schloß Holte Stukenbrock or Stukenbrock Senne, follow signs to Safaripark
Parking spaces on Mittweg, diagonally opposite the waterworks, Mittweg 30, 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
Senne-Bahn Bielefeld - Paderborn: Schloß Holte station (9 km) and Hövelriege (4.5 km).

Bus route 84.1 Schloß Holte > Stukenbrock > Schloß Holte: "Mittweg" stop.

Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 01806 504030 (20 cents/connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents/connection from mobile networks.)

Additional information


The most beautiful (cycle) walks in SHS - handy brochure from the town of Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. Hiking guide "Furlbachtal", Stadtwerke Bielefeld Biostation Senne

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The Furlbach Valley is beautiful at any time of year and in any weather. Here you can find absolute peace and quiet, but also go on a nature discovery tour. But please be considerate, you are walking through a nature reserve that is absolutely worth protecting!
By the way: the trail is also ideal as a challenging jogging route...

Safety guidelines

You should wear sturdy shoes with treaded soles, as some of the paths are very steep and there is a risk of slipping into the stream. You should therefore also pay particular attention to your children! Use the roads and paths at your own risk.
The route is not suitable for baby carriages.


Free city map of the city of Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

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Getting there

Stadt Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
Rathausstraße 2
33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
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