Radtouren-Tipp 4 - Milse und Altenhagen



22.61 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
Regional bike tour
  • 01:30 h
  • 55 m
  • 91 m
  • 74 m
  • 120 m
  • 46 m
  • 22.61 km
  • Start: Feeder route: junction 56 in Bielefeld-Mitte, Niederwall, round trip: junction 89 in Heepen, corner of Rabenhof-Wiesenstraße
  • Destination: Feeder route: junction 56 in Bielefeld Mitte, Niederwall, round trip: junction 89 in Heepen, corner of Rabenhof-Wiesenstraße

Discover an old factory castle, the floodplain landscape along the Johannisbach stream, the Töpker Teiche nature reserve and the KulturLand Schelphof!

Starting from the city center, you ride through quiet side streets in the east of Bielefeld until the start of the actual circuit. The circuit then leads from Kammerratsheide via Milse and Altenhagen


(!) Feeder route from the district court (+ 2x 6.8 km):

The buildings on Ravensberger Straße between "Anker-Brücke" (house no. 12) and Teutoburger Straße give an idea of the old face of the city.

The mighty "factory castle" Ravensberger Spinnerei was one of the largest flax spinning mills in Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries. At times, up to 20,000 spindles ran in the factory. Flax was spun into linen yarn in the Ravensberg spinning mill until the early 1970s. A citizens' initiative prevented the imminent demolition of the factory building. Today, it is impossible to imagine the cityscape and cultural life without the "Raspi" in Ravensberger Park (see author's tip). The Ravensberger Spinnerei now houses an adult education center and historical museum and is a popular cultural and event center in the middle of the city.

At the opposite end of the Ravensberger Spinnerei, to the left of the route, you will see the elegant, ten-metre-high diving tower and the striking grandstand of the Wiesenbad. Built in 1927, the pool offers a variety of swimming fun on 2600 square meters of water with a water slide and current channel.

Round tour:

Between the Bielefeld districts of Baumheide and Brake, the route leads to the Johannisbachaue, where a semi-wild herd of Heck cattle graze. The origins of the Hof Meyer zu Jerrendorf in the Johannisbachaue date back to around the year 600. Today, the farm is home to the Brake Riding and Driving Club.

For over 125 years, the Milser Mühle has been processing grain, initially feed meal for livestock and since 1918 grain for human consumption. The mill is still partly powered by water today.

The 13-hectare Töpker Teiche nature reserve has developed from a former brickworks into a retreat for plants and animals. In addition to many amphibian species, 20 dragonfly species and almost 50 different breeding bird species can be found here.

You can explore the KulturLand Schelphof on an adventure trail and view agriculture from different perspectives.


Feeder route: junction 56 in Bielefeld-Mitte, Niederwall, round trip: junction 89 in Heepen, corner of Rabenhof-Wiesenstraße
Ravensberger Park
Museum Huelsmann

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


(!) Feeder route:

Follow these junctions from junction 56: 56 - 26 - 27 - 32 - 31 - 89.

Round trip:

For the round trip, follow these nodes clockwise: 89 - 90 - 27 - 81 - 80 - 79 - 79 - 78 - 2 - 87 - 89.

You can shorten or extend your tour "Cycle tour tip 4 Milse and Altenhagen" at any time along the way, as the tour runs entirely within the junction network. Signposts at the cycle route intersections (the junctions) show you the way to the next town, a nearby attraction or the train station. Large signs along the route inform you about other leisure cycle routes.

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn

Directions & Parking facilities

Stadtbahn stops Landgericht (line 2) and Altenhagen (line 2)


Train stations Bielefeld-Ost and Brake (near Bielefeld)

Always know what's running: the smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 01806 504030

(20 cents/connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents/connection from mobile networks)

Additional information

The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 4 Milse und Altenhagen" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Bielefeld information

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld


The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 4 Milse und Altenhagen" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Take a journey through time and experience the transformation of the Ravensberger Spinnerei from a factory palace to a cultural quarter with the (link:) audio stories in Ravensberger Park!

Near the circular tour on Salzufler Straße is the (link:) Mühlencafé Meyer zu Bentrup, a detour to the café is recommended.

Safety guidelines

The flat route leads along side roads and cycle paths and is easy to cycle except for a short section at the Töpker ponds.

Some sections lead along private roads. We would like to thank the owners for their permission to use the paths.


The leaflet "Radtouren-Tipp 4 Milse und Altenhagen" is available free of charge from the Bielefeld Tourist Information Office, the district offices and the ADFC Bielefeld.

Recreational cycle routes Bielefeld

Getting there
Radtouren-Tipp 4 - Milse und Altenhagen
33602 Bielefeld