- 03:22 h
- 12.00 km
- 180 m
- 180 m
- 255 m
- 332 m
- 77 m
- Start: Spanckenhof, Leiberger Str. 10, 33181 Bad Wünnenberg
- Destination: Spanckenhof, Leiberger Str. 10, 33181 Bad Wünnenberg
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Good Connection to public Transport
Loop Road
Suitable for Winter
Tour with Dog
Directions & Parking facilities
A44 Dortmund-Kassel, junction Bad Wünnenberg-Haaren, then continue on the B480 towards Bad Wünnenberg. Take the Bad Wünnenberg/Leiberg exit. At the entrance to the town, turn left into the REWE parking lot.
A33 Bielefeld-Brilon, continue on the B480 towards Bad Wünnenberg. Take the Bad Wünnenberg/Leiberg exit. At the entrance to the town, turn left into the REWE parking lot.
B480 coming from Brilon - exit Bad Wünnenberg/Aabach-Talsperre. Drive through Bad Wünnenberg. Shortly before leaving the town, turn right into the REWE parking lot.
Take the train to Paderborn main station; from there take the bus in the direction of Bad Wünnenberg, bus route R11 or R10.
Nahverkehrsverbund Paderborn/Höxter
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min. from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min.)
Contact person
Bad Wünnenberg Touristik GmbH
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Social Media