- 00:45 h
- 20 m
- 21 m
- 92 m
- 114 m
- 22 m
- 11.70 km
- Start: Hallerweg
- Destination: Hallerweg
Tour around the Hövelhof district of Espeln. The old farming community of Espeln has been part of the municipality of Hövelhof since 1975. Its history is above all that of the numerous ancient farms on the fertile "Ostenländer Rücken".
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
Tour information
Loop Road
Suitable for Bike
For your own safety, we recommend that you wear a cycle helmet.
Directions & Parking facilities
Coming from Paderborn, take exit 24 Paderborn-Sennelager on the A33 and turn right towards Hövelhof. From the direction of Bielefeld, leave the A33 at exit 23 Stukenbrock-Senne.