- 00:25 h
- 18 m
- 18 m
- 215 m
- 233 m
- 18 m
- 998 m
- Start: Information Center (Abbey 3, 37696 Marienmünster)
- Destination: Information Center (Abbey 3, 37696 Marienmünster)
Discovering the nature park also means pointing out historical and cultural sights. Marienmünster Abbey is located in an impressive landscape setting and several hiking trails lead to the Benedictine abbey founded in 1128. With funding from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the nature park has built a one-kilometre nature trail here that explains the connections between forest use and everyday life at the abbey.
The varied trail starts at the information center and, apart from a flight of three steps each with an intermediate platform, is largely without a steep gradient.Further information at: https://www.naturpark-teutoburgerwald.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/holz_faltblatt_online.pdfGood to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Flyer from the nature park:
Download the GPS trail at:
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
A guided tour of Marienmünster Abbey is definitely recommended.
Further information at: https://kulturstiftung-marienmuenster.de/