- 02:00 h
- 213 m
- 166 m
- 189 m
- 346 m
- 157 m
- 5.57 km
- Start: Eagle observatory in Berlebeck (Hangsteinstraße, 32760 Detmold)
- Destination: Externsteine (Externsteiner Straße 35, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)
From the eagle observatory, the approx. 5-kilometre OH! 5 trail leads along a scenic route towards the Externsteine. In addition to the beautiful views, the attractions along the way include the mountain heath areas and the historic bird baptism.
Both the eagle observatory in Berlebeck and the Externsteine are 2 of a total of 8 adventure stations of the KinderErlebniswelt Natur, a project of the Teutoburg Forest/Eggegebirge Nature Park.
Further information can be found at: https://www.naturpark-teutoburgerwald.de/auf-entdeckertour-vom-hermann-bis-zur-velmerstot/
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Directions & Parking facilities
For entering into a navigation device:
Adlerwarte Berlebeck: Hangsteinstraße, 32760 Detmold
Externsteine: Externsteinstraße 35, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
At the Adlerwarte (Hangsteinstraße, 32760 Detmold) you can park for free.
At the Externsteine (Externsteinstraße 35, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg), on the other hand, parking is subject to a charge.
From Easter to October, the nature park bus (tourist line 792) runs at weekends and travels to some of the sights (such as the Externsteine) in the district of Lippe.
Further information can be found at: https://www.naturpark-teutoburgerwald.de/entdecken/naturpark-mobil/
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author