- 03:15 h
- 12.55 km
- 200 m
- 200 m
- 136 m
- 243 m
- 107 m
- Start: Vacation village "Iutspann Hiddentrup"
A trail around Hörste with various access routes and several play stations for children. The trail first leads over the Hörste Egge in the direction of Stapelage. It returns to the starting point via the Hermannsweg.
Good to know
Best to visit
Depends on weather
The starting point of the circular route is the "Iutspann Hiddentrup" vacation village. From here, you walk over the Hörster Egge in the direction of Stapelage. Along the way, you will always have beautiful views towards Lage on one side and the Teutoburg Forest on the other. At Haus Berkenkamp, you will pass a game reserve. In Stapelage, follow the Marienfelder Weg to the Hermannsweg. In earlier times, the Marienfelder Weg connected the Marienfeld monastery near Gütersloh with the church in Stapelage. The Hermannsweg takes you to the Rethlager springs. Continue along Quellenstraße and Friedrich-Bayer-Straße back to the starting point.
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Suitable for Pushchair
Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for the weather.
Directions & Parking facilities
A2, exit Bielefeld-Zentrum on the B66 in the direction of Lage. In Helpup, turn off in the direction of Stapelage. In Hörste, follow the road to Hiddentrup.
Parking lot of the vacation village "Iutspann Hiddentrup".
Take the 951 bus from Lage (Lippe) station to the "Homeier" stop.
Flyer Hiking in Lage-Hörste
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Panoramic view of the Hörster Egge and the Breite Feld.
Safety guidelines
There is a risk of slippery roads in winter.
Map of the family hiking trail; map of Hörste