Espelkamp – NRW Nordpunkt



60.34 km long
round trip
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
Regional bike tour
  • 04:05 h
  • 50 m
  • 50 m
  • 36 m
  • 57 m
  • 21 m
  • 60.34 km
  • Start: Espelkamp town center
  • Destination: NRW North Point
The northernmost point of North Rhine-Westphalia, the "NRW North Point", is located in the village of Preußisch Ströhen. It lies in a charming landscape surrounded by meadows, fields and forests.

Through the Kleine Aue nature reserve, the route takes you through beautiful countryside to the Tonnenheide wedding mill. In the immediate vicinity are the Kaffeehus in'n Strouhe and the Sparmeier farm garden.
The journey continues to the Winkelmann asparagus farm. Depending on the season, fresh asparagus can be purchased in the farm store or enjoyed in the asparagus bar. The next break can be taken in the traditional Ludewigs Landhaus restaurant.

Past the Immanuel Church in Pr. Ströhen and after a short break at Gasthaus Buschendorf, you will reach your destination, the NRW Nordpunkt, the northernmost point in the state of NRW.

The cycle tour then leads to the Uchter Moorbahn. There you have the opportunity to take a two-hour round trip.

The Horstmann inn in Nordel offers another opportunity to take a break before the route then leads past the Osterwald model airfield to the starting point, Wilhelm-Kern-Platz in Espelkamp. In the surrounding restaurants and bistros, you can recover from the exertions of the 60-kilometre round trip.


Espelkamp town center
NRW North Point

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

Directions & Parking facilities

If you are traveling from the north or south, the best way to reach Espelkamp is via the B 239. If you are coming to Espelkamp from the east or west, take the L 770 (or L 766).

The smart number for buses and trains in NRW: 01806 504030

(20 cents/connection from landlines and a maximum of 60 cents/connection from mobile networks)


Additional information

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The Nordpunkt has become a popular destination for day trips, especially for cycling groups. The Bremen-Bad Oeynhausen long-distance cycle path, the Weser-Lippe rail-cycle route and an inner-city cycle path pass by the Nordpunkt. They are part of a well-developed network of cycle paths.
Getting there
Espelkamp – NRW Nordpunkt
32339 Espelkamp