Erlebnis.Kreis.GT - Rundwanderung in Herzebrock



13.48 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Regional hiking trail
  • 03:15 h
  • 10 m
  • 10 m
  • 67 m
  • 75 m
  • 8 m
  • 13.48 km
  • Start: Church square in Herzebrock
  • Destination: Church square in Herzebrock

This approximately 13 km long circular hike was carried out as part of the Erlebnis.Kreis.GT hike. Please note that the route is not signposted! A gpx file is available to download for orientation purposes. You can find out more about the Erlebnis.Kreis.GT series at this link.

The hike starts at St. Christina's parish church on the monastery grounds in the district of Herzebrock. The tour first goes through the Bolandwald forest and continues along meadows and fields. On the way, you can stop for refreshments at the Wöstmann potato farm before starting the second stage of the route. The tour ends back on the monastery grounds.


Church square in Herzebrock

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


You start at St. Christina's parish church and walk south towards Gütersloher Straße, which you cross and then follow Bolandstraße. The road leads you directly into the Boland, as the people of Herzebrock affectionately call their forest. Follow the gpx track and then cross Gütersloher Straße again to enter the forest on the left. After about one kilometer, you leave the forest and continue along meadows and fields. Keep left at Groppeler Straße and follow the cycle/footpath. The Kartoffelhof Wöstmann, recognizable from afar by a sign, has a farm store where you can buy regional products during opening hours. Back on Groppeler Straße, take the next turning on the right after the farm. Follow Groppeler Straße and cross Quenhorner Straße. Continue straight ahead. Now you come to Sandkamp, which you continue on the left. When you reach Storcksweg, turn right and take the first left onto Storcksweg. At the next T-junction, Weißes Venn, turn left. After a few kilometers, you will come to the Putz forest area. From here it is not far to the starting point, the church square in Herzebrock.

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Clothing suitable for the weather, comfortable shoes, sunscreen if necessary and sufficient drinks for the journey.

Directions & Parking facilities

  • Von-Zumbusch-Gesamtschule/Hallenbad, Am Hallenbad 1, 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz

  • Waldstadion Herzebrock, Jahnstraße 3, 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz

  • Near Möllenbrock bakery, Klosterstraße 21, 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz

The district of Herzebrock has a train station.

The eurobahn Bielefeld - Gütersloh - Münster runs hourly and stops at Herzebrock station.

In addition, Herzebrock can also be reached via bus route 74 coming from Gütersloh.

Additional information

Further information can be found on the municipal website Herzebrock-Clarholz or at

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Visit one of the oldest monasteries in Westphalia, the Kanonissenstift Herzebrock, founded in 860. The park grounds with old fruit trees, duck ponds and a historic monastery garden invite you to linger and relax. On Sunday between 3 and 5 p.m., it is worth visiting the Herzebrock local history museum, which is housed in the north wing of the former monastery.
Getting there
Erlebnis.Kreis.GT - Rundwanderung in Herzebrock
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz