Besinnungsweg - kleine Runde



3.68 km long
Difficulty: easy
condition: easy
Themed trail
  • 01:02 h
  • 66 m
  • 67 m
  • 327 m
  • 394 m
  • 67 m
  • 3.68 km
  • Start: St. Josef Catholic Church Altenbekener Str. 178 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
  • Destination: Protestant Church Heinrich-Schacht-Weg 21 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

"Reflect on yourself..... SEE, HEAR, FEEL"

Wonderful views await hikers, which are also intended to inspire reflection on creation and faith.

The aim of this trail is to invite you to linger at individual stations, points highlighted by nature or art, in order to be inspired to reflect on religious-spiritual, but also generally practical life questions in the tranquillity of nature and to find inner peace.

When choosing the stations, we were guided by the special atmosphere and characteristic 'energy' of the locations, which also helped to determine the theme.

The embedding of the trail in an intact cultural landscape with the diverse nature of the Eggegebirge and the inclusion of cultural treasures from the local area - the Feldrom cross, which commemorates four stone sculptors in Feldrom; the Father Beda memorial stone, which is intended to keep alive the memory of the great local friend, Egge Father Dr. Beda Kleinschmidt - point to further intentions associated with the trail:

Promoting the appreciation of nature and fostering a connection with the homeland and its cultural heritage.


St. Josef Catholic Church Altenbekener Str. 178 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Ev. Kirche
Structure/Modern architecture

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Feldrom Catholic Church, cross on the Pater-Beda-Weg, continue up the Pater-Beda-Weg to the edge of the forest, left along the forest path, after approx. 500 m there is an angel, continue 100 m along the path to the Bickelberg, up to the right, after 100 m there is the cross on the Bickelberg, continue up to the edge of the forest and left along the edge of the forest along the path approx. 100 m into the valley, in the valley a few meters to the left and then right again along the forest path through the tall spruces to the blueberry area, after approx. 200 m you will find the Dreiklang, continue along the path for 200 m to the next crossroads, turn right briefly and then left again into the next valley, continue up along the edge of the forest to the Holländerweg. There, the bench shaped like a hand invites you to rest. Then walk down the Holländerweg for approx. 100 m and then turn right to the cross at the Schnatweg "Wald und Flur". Continue left, after 100 m turn right into Bleichweg until you reach Altenbekener Str., then turn right for 150 m until you reach Heinrich-Schacht-Weg, after 100 m the destination is the Protestant church on the left

Side of the road

Directions & Parking facilities

By car:

Town: Horn-Bad Meinberg

District: Feldrom

Navigation address: Altenbekener Str. 178, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

St. Josef Catholic Church

Altenbekener Str. 178

32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg

By bus:

Stop: Feldrom, church

Line 357

By train:

Station: Horn

Safety guidelines

On foot, with the baby carriage
Getting there
Besinnungsweg - kleine Runde
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg