A6 - Wanderweg Holzhauser Berg




5.35 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
Regional hiking trail
  • 01:35 h
  • 5.35 km
  • 161 m
  • 161 m
  • 81 m
  • 237 m
  • 156 m
  • Start: Hikers' parking lot "Glösinghausen", Glösinghausen, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
  • Destination: Hikers' parking lot "Glösinghausen", Glösinghausen, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Circular hiking trail through the Holzhauser Berg.

The A6 starts and ends at the "Glösinghausen" hiking parking lot. A section of the trail runs along the Wiehengebirge ridge path, leading hikers through the beautiful wooded areas of the Wiehengbirge.


Hikers' parking lot "Glösinghausen", Glösinghausen, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
© Biologische Station Ravensberg im Kreis Herford e.V.
Nature discovery trail
Hikers' parking lot "Glösinghausen", Glösinghausen, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road


Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Directions & Parking facilities

Take the B65 in the direction of Glösinghausen
Parking is available at the "Glösinghausen" hiking parking lot.
Holzhausen/Heddinghausen train station is approx. 3 km from the "Glösinghausen" hiking parking lot.

Always know what's running when: The "smart number" for buses and trains in NRW: 08006 504030.

Additional information

Further information and maps are available from the Tourist Information Office in the Haus des Gastes in Bad Holzhausen, Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf, Tel.: 05742-9311200. The Tourist Information Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.00-11.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Take a look at our homepage: tourismus.preussischoldendorf.de

Getting there

A6 - Wanderweg Holzhauser Berg
32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Bad Salzuflen: feel-good place
Our tip

Nature without detours

© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz
Experience nature
Our tip

Exciting quality hiking trails

© Touristikzentrum Westliches Weserbergland
Favourite time out in nature


© Teutoburger Wald Tourismus / D. Ketz