A2 Preußisch Oldendorf - Hexenteichweg



4.31 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
Regional hiking trail
  • 01:10 h
  • 86 m
  • 89 m
  • 71 m
  • 157 m
  • 86 m
  • 4.31 km
  • Start: Parking lot "Oldendorfer Schweiz", Bergstraße, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
  • Destination: Parking lot "Oldendorfer Schweiz", Bergstraße, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Circular hiking trail on Offelter Berg.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


From the parking lot, follow the "Bergstraße" downhill. After a few meters turn right into "Eininghauser Weg". Follow this together with path A3 past the former guest pavilion. After approx. 170 m, leave the road and follow a beautiful path with benches along the stream. Pass the miniature golf course and return to the "Eininghauser Weg", keeping to the right. At the next junction, turn left onto "Linkerstaße". Go past the outdoor pool towards the forest. Turn left at a junction while A3 continues straight ahead. Follow the wide forest path uphill for approx. 1.2 km to the Hexenteichhütte. Turn left there. The route later descends in the forest. Keep left near the edge of the forest. The path runs parallel to the edge of the forest and comes to "Brömmelstraße" at the end. Turn right downhill here. Turn left into "Am Hang" until you reach the former guest pavilion. From there back to the parking lot.

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Directions & Parking facilities

On the B65 in Preußisch Oldendorf, turn into Rathausstraße, which then becomes Bergstraße.
Hikers' parking lot Oldendorfer Schweiz, Bergstraße, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf
Always know what's running when: The "smart number" for buses and trains in NRW: 08006 504030.

The hiking parking lot in Oldendorfer Schweiz is a 15-minute walk from the "Pr. Oldendorf-Stadtzentrum" bus stop.

Additional information

Further information and maps are available from the Tourist Information Office in the Haus des Gastes in Bad Holzhausen, Hudenbeck 2, 32361 Preußisch Oldendorf, Tel.: 05742-9311200. The Tourist Information Office is open Monday to Friday from 9.00-11.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Take a look at our homepage: tourismus.preussischoldendorf.de

Getting there
A2 Preußisch Oldendorf - Hexenteichweg
32361 Preußisch Oldendorf